News from Ellys Manor House

“It is inconceivable that for more than half a millennium, no one could figure out Ellys Manor House (EMH) with the Holy Cross Church adjacent.”




In western civilization, are we done with Christianity?

Understanding medieval pilgrimage

The art of thinking wisely



Description of who is Aesop
“When people can no longer recognise their history and culture, it is like a child in a shopping mall. Poor little mite becomes so intoxicated with bombast and bling, in a short while, it can no longer recognise its mother.”
“It would be so sad if, for thousands of years, western civilisation has talked the talk, Only to find we are no longer able to walk the walk.”
A detailed section of the early 16th-century wall paintings at Ellys Manor House (EMH). Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom. 

Ellys manor house wall painting

“It would be so sad if, for thousands of years, Western civilisation has talked the talk, Only to find that due to our ineptitude, we are no longer able to walk the walk.”  

Ellys manor house slippers


                                   ATHENA/MINERVA and OWL NOCTUA                  MINOTAUR 

Athena with Owl


                                     Ellys Library at Blicking Hall, Norfolk, UK. 

                                     Photo credit "What Kate did next."        Benedictine Order/Cistercian Order

“What Kate Did Next.” Benedictine Order/Cistercian Order





Keep in mind that in our seven years of persecution at Ellys Manor House (EMH), there has been a planning investigation and an Ombudsman investigation, both of which said everything was fine. However, when I continued to experience issues, I got in touch with the South Kesteven District Council (SKDC), Planning and Conservation Department, to request a copy of the plans for the work being carried out by Nathan and Agnes Welham at the Barns adjacent to EMH, for me to show to an independent architect and surveyor.

Much to my surprise, I was told by Sylvia Bland, Head of Development Management at SKDC, “There are none.” I have her stamped letter in my files before she exited from SKDC.

There is a fact-check list. However, what I do not wish to do, is to make any assumptions. Such is the enormity that surrounds this case. I am certain that all the players will be more than happy to give their explanations in a court of law. After all, it is also imperative for us all to know and understand if, in this United Kingdom, this Christian country where we still anoint a King and a Queen, to be God’s representatives on earth, and from around the globe people bore witness to them swearing to protect God’s house. Are we all oblivious as to what God’s house looks like?  Do we practice a two-tier system among the citizens of this United Kingdom? If so, what constitutes that?


Architectural Language


Ellys Manor House Project 


Equal justice for all

The Statue of Pope Urban II et CM Taylor (Chosen). Deus Vult! God Wills it!


King Baldwin 1V – a King at thirteen, at sixteen, led the charge that defeated Saladin. 

King Baldwin 1V – a King at thirteen, at sixteen, led the charge that defeated Saladin.


Raynald de Chatillon – Prince of Antioch 

Raynald de Chatillon – Prince of Antioch


Raynald – beheaded by Sulton Saladin. 

Raynald – beheaded by Sulton Saladin.


They and so many others fought and died for Christendom. Are we not now defecating on Christendom and christology? 


“Who do they say we are?”

Nelson Mandela
To mark the 100th Birthday of the late Nelson Mandela, here is a picture of his Investiture as the Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order St.John in 2004 with Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester.



One minute we are being told how angels descend to carry Saints up to heaven, and then all this abuse happens. This is the sort of thing that gets emeritus Professor Richard Dawkins and Stephen Fry’s goat. If we are to have these fanciful stories, should we not attempt at least to have continuity and clarity? 


How does one explain what follows: - 

Nathan & Agnes Welham at the Barns Great Ponton, Nr. Grantham, United Kingdom.


Former leader Cllr Mathew Lee, Aiden Rave CEO,  former leader Cllr Kelham Cooke (SKDC)
Karen Bradford CEO with Cllr Kelham Cooke SKDC.


The Barns Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom


The Barns Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom    


The Barns Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom  For Ellys Manor House with the Holy Cross Church life is sheer hell.   



Smoke coming from the adjacent Barns. Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom
 Smoke coming from the adjacent Barns.  Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom

The Barns Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom

The Barns Great Ponton, Listed Wall. Historic England knows of this. United Kingdom.
How can people in the government employ be paid to carry out tasks, to which they are completely oblivious?  
Students attend Universities with faculties in the Humanities and Art history, and the scholars are oblivious to what is being taught.  
When an angry mob pulls a statue from a plinth and throws it into the river, we can all become quite exercised about criminal damage.

Sterling Castle, Scotland, United Kingdom 

Sterling Castle

However, what about when millions of pounds are spent for SCHOLARS to tart up historic buildings in a way that compromises their integrity?

Are we now just feeble-minded buffoons, to be the world’s laughingstock? Just a few months ago, people from around the globe were focused on the United Kingdom, as they watched us anoint a King and his Queen. Yet now it appears, we cannot even recognise God’s house. May God have mercy on our miserable souls. It is this orgy of ignorance and skulduggery that makes us bear witness to the carnage in the Holy Land today. 

I am now appealing to scholars, heritage professionals and planning, to explain ELLYS MANOR HOUSE to the public, and why our children are left to play among the dead. 



GREAT PONTON, GRANTHAM, UNITED KINGDOM – Let them play among the dead.  


Great Ponton, Grantham, United Kingdom!

How do you do this to your own ?!


From the farthest reaches of the globe, even those living in tents today, all have widescreen television, which they are glued to. Now I can hear them mocking. They watch the people of this pomp and circumstance country tripping up over their knuckles and debate whether it was their cufflinks.

Gone are the cacophonous cries of the government’s mantra. Education! Education! Education! Although, I hasten to add, “a couple of weeks ago, I did hear a pipsqueak of a whimper, a mention of world-class education to our shores”. I think it would be fair to say, “We must first define education”.

“Should anyone be in doubt of my knowledge, be assured, that what is to come will make WAR AND PEACE look like a mere booklet”.

CM Taylor

Due to ignorance and flawed planning laws in the United Kingdom, our historic environment is being compromised, if not destroyed. Millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money are being squandered, which leads to false historical narratives.

Children do not ask to come into this world. However, when we bring them up, we have a duty of care, if we wish to create a more socially cohesive society. It must not be left solely to teachers. We must all take part. 


In Britain, regardless of origin, race, colour or creed a child born here must know that this is home and that they, too, have a vested interest. The truth must be paramount and taught with a true understanding of our heritage.

It is inconceivable that an army of government quangos, with an abundance of PhDs and heritage professionals, all dedicated to the protection of our heritage, has produced an historical narrative that has now become a vacuous pastime, thus rendering it kitsch and mere pastiche. This is said without malice or prejudice to any one person, organisation or political party; I am an independently minded person wanting the best for future generations and our country. We should all have concerns when we hear that six and seven-year-olds carry knives into school, and that some of our students are so heavily in debt, in order to stay the course, some girls AND boys have to succumb to prostitution. Needless to say, if their degree happens to be in Arts and the Humanities, then it is worthless.  


The Statue of Pope Urban II et CM Taylor.

Justice for all.

Deus Vult. God Wills it!

“Know that I’m here on an invite, after the bloody boy king, Edward V1, said”, “No graven images.”

As a wool merchant, merchant of the Staple of Calais, and Pilgrim, wearing spectacles such as mine, they called me blind. However, it appears most of you with your twenty-twenty vision have had, or are having the wool pulled over your eyes. 

This is rather sad – a country that professes to be a Christian country, known around the globe for its pomp circumstance and pageantry (people clunking about in archaic costumes, if they fell down, they would struggle to get back on their feet without assistance). A King, as God’s representative on earth, says, “he wishes to be the leader of all faiths.” “I do hope you are all on the same page with that, fate or faith?” 

A country that prides itself on fair play, and the rule of law. Values you all hold dear, and yet! It appears there is a tiered system (rotten to the core) within your society in the United Kingdom. It seems there are those with special privileges, to the point, that those who are being paid from the public purse will do whatsoever it takes to gain the upper hand for those special people, even if it means destroying future generations' education and the integrity of the humanities. This is reminiscent of the dissolution of the monasteries. What constitutes that? Grantham, a town with a population of approximately 55, 000, and you do not even have a proper hospital, and you call us medieval. 

You may ban the books, you may even burn the books, but the TRUTH will be out. 
Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, and Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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Ellys Manor House and Bad Wimpfen


The Ellys Manor House (left), in the village of Great Ponton, United Kingdom, is said to be the ‘Ad Pontem’ of the Romans. Bad Wimpfen - Medieval Imperial Town on the Neckar River. Bad Wimpfen is a lovely historic spa and tourist town on the Neckar River near the city of Heilbronn in the Baden-Württemberg region of southern Germany.

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the Peackock and Argus Panoptes


Argus Panoptes is often described as a giant with a hundred eyes, but was that really true?

Keep reading to learn more about Hera's most watchful servant!

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Great Ponton

The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Great North Road: London to York, by Charles G. Harper

Lincolnshire now begins to thoroughly belie its p.178 reputation for flatness, the road descending steeply from Colsterworth and rising sharply from Easton Park to the park of Stoke Rochford, with another long sharp descent beyond, and a further rise of some importance into Great Ponton, another of the very small “Great” villages.

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